Infectious Mononucleosis is a very dreadful disease which is easily communicable. It is common disease among both the children and adults. This disease is transferred orally thus it is also referred to as ‘Kissing disease.’ There are many causes of the disease which all should be aware about. Since it is a viral disease there is no drug treatment for the disease and it completes its lifecycle which may last for a month in most cases. In children the signs of the disease are very minimal hence hardly noticeable. This makes the Infectious Mononucleosis disease more prolonged as treatment cannot start until it is diagnosed.
Infectious Mononucleosis is caused due to the presence of Epstein Barr virus in the body. This disease is also called glandular disease. It is caused due to one if the many known kinds of herpes virus. It infects the children and adults equally but the symptoms in the children are shown lately than in the adults. It may start with flu in the kids. The researchers have found that this disease can infect the people living in developing and developed countries similarly. Other Mononucleosis Symptoms of the disease may be fever, fatigue, sudden weight loss and sore throat.
If any of these symptoms do not appear in the first 2 days of the infection then chances of having Infectious Mononucleosis are few. The ailments may be due to any other disease. Loss of appetite may also be seen in many people but it is not taken as the only criteria to describe the pre-starters of the disease. The lymph nodes inflammation may also occur due to the disease. The general signs of a sore throat which includes redness of throat and irritation when swallowing food may result in Infectious Mononucleosis itself.
There are many causes of the disease which may depend on the environmental conditions at a place too. Most of the cases of the mono disease are recorded in United States every year. Adult counts to 90% of the total cases of Infectious Mononucleosis while the remaining 10% accounts for the children. The virus is detected in the blood cells of the infected person and one can be treated for it. The body naturally develops immunity against the virus and can help the patient recover from the disease.
One of the major modes of the transmission of Infectious Mononucleosis disease is saliva of the person which is mobilized to the other person when they kiss each other. The virus may also be transferred when an infected person sneezes, coughs or blows out water drops from his mouth. Once this virus finds a suitable ground to breed them, they start affecting the person adversely and symptoms of the disease start appearing. A lot of problem engulfing food down the throat makes the person sustain on fluids for a long time. Regular headaches and body aches are may also tend to revert towards Infectious Mononucleosis.
Infectious Mononucleosis disease treatment depends on the individual and his immune system. Medicines are more given for the other sufferings to the patient than the mono virus attack which subsided in the body taking its own time.